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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Operations
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Comprehensive Income
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Changes In Stockholders' Equity
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Changes In Stockholders' Equity (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
General Information
Discontinued Operations and Disposals (Notes)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments
Goodwill (Notes)
Leases (Notes)
Commitments and Contingencies
Earnings Per Share
Segment Information
Accounting Policies
General Information (Policies)
Notes Tables
Discontinued Operations and Disposals (Tables)
Revenue (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Debt - Long-term Debt, excluding current maturities (Tables)
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Notes Details
General Information - Narrative (Detail)
General Information - Reclassifications (Details)
General Information - Restricted Cash (Details)
General Information - Property and Equipment, Net (Details)
General Information - Share Repurchases (Details)
General Information - Income Tax Expense (Benefit) (Details)
General Information - Leases (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Narrative (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Results of Discontinued Operations (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Other Significant Operating Items (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Major Classes of Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Revenue - Narrative (Details)
Revenue - Sales and Percentage of Total Net Sales by Significant Product Category (Details)
Revenue - Change In Contract Liabilities (Details)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments - Narrative (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments - Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments - Gains and Losses on Derivative Instruments and Foreign Currency Transaction (Detail)
Goodwill - Narrative (Detail)
Goodwill - Changes in Carrying Amount of Goodwill for Operating Segments and Cumulative Goodwill Impairment Charges (Details)
Leases - Rent expense (Details)
Leases - Narrative (Details)
Leases - Minimum Lease Obligations for Operating Lease Liabilities (ASC 842) (Details)
Leases - Future Minimum Lease Obligations (ASC 840) (Details)
Debt - Narrative (Detail)
Debt - Schedule of Long-Term Debt (Details)
Debt - Senior Notes and Credit Facility Terms and Restrictions (Details)
Earnings Per Share - Reconciliation of Common Shares Used in Calculating Basic and Diluted Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share (Detail)
Earnings Per Share - Restricted Shares and Options to Purchase Shares of Class A Common Stock Excluded from Computation of Diluted Earnings Per Share (Details)
Segment Information - Narrative (Detail)
Segment Information - Sales by Segment (Detail)
Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Operations
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Comprehensive Income
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Changes In Stockholders' Equity
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Changes In Stockholders' Equity (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
General Information
Discontinued Operations and Disposals (Notes)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments
Goodwill (Notes)
Leases (Notes)
Commitments and Contingencies
Earnings Per Share
Segment Information
Accounting Policies
General Information (Policies)
Notes Tables
Discontinued Operations and Disposals (Tables)
Revenue (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Debt - Long-term Debt, excluding current maturities (Tables)
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Notes Details
General Information - Narrative (Detail)
General Information - Reclassifications (Details)
General Information - Restricted Cash (Details)
General Information - Property and Equipment, Net (Details)
General Information - Share Repurchases (Details)
General Information - Income Tax Expense (Benefit) (Details)
General Information - Leases (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Narrative (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Results of Discontinued Operations (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Other Significant Operating Items (Details)
Discontinued Operations and Disposals - Major Classes of Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Revenue - Narrative (Details)
Revenue - Sales and Percentage of Total Net Sales by Significant Product Category (Details)
Revenue - Change In Contract Liabilities (Details)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments - Narrative (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments - Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Detail)
Fair Value Measurements and Financial Instruments - Gains and Losses on Derivative Instruments and Foreign Currency Transaction (Detail)
Goodwill - Narrative (Detail)
Goodwill - Changes in Carrying Amount of Goodwill for Operating Segments and Cumulative Goodwill Impairment Charges (Details)
Leases - Rent expense (Details)
Leases - Narrative (Details)
Leases - Minimum Lease Obligations for Operating Lease Liabilities (ASC 842) (Details)
Leases - Future Minimum Lease Obligations (ASC 840) (Details)
Debt - Narrative (Detail)
Debt - Schedule of Long-Term Debt (Details)
Debt - Senior Notes and Credit Facility Terms and Restrictions (Details)
Earnings Per Share - Reconciliation of Common Shares Used in Calculating Basic and Diluted Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share (Detail)
Earnings Per Share - Restricted Shares and Options to Purchase Shares of Class A Common Stock Excluded from Computation of Diluted Earnings Per Share (Details)
Segment Information - Narrative (Detail)
Segment Information - Sales by Segment (Detail)
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